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Bidding is easy and buying is safe. Trusted since 1930 with industry experts throughout Europe

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Besides the public online auctions, you can also buy from us via a private sale (also called Private Treaty Sale). Its advantage is that you do not have to deal with bidders bidding against each other; here, the offer is sold to an individual buyer at a pre-agreed price.

This is how buying through our auction platform works:

  1. Create a personal or business account;

  2. Browse our diverse range of offerings in different sectors;

  3. Track your favourite lots;

  4. Bid on the lot(s) of your choice;

  5. Increase your chances of winning with real-time push notifications;

  6. Be the first to receive updates on the latest auctions.

Auctioning is the new selling!

Sell quick and easy for the right price

  1. Select your machines and register them with us

  2. We help you prepare for the best result on our platform

  3. Your machine will be seen by lots of bidders throughout the world

  4. The buyer collects them and you get the money in your account

Experiences of buyers and sellers

Jan van de Ven - Contracting company Gebr. Van de Ven B.V.

"The auction through Troostwijk went beyond all expectations and raised 350K more than expected!"

"When I decided to sell my company I didn't hesitate for a moment: I wanted to do it at Troostwijk. They have a very good reputation and buyers from all over Europe. I also liked the fact that I could offer everything, not just the machines. In total, I ended up with over 500 lots. That suited me very well. A lot of work is taken off your hands because the site managers number everything for you and put it online. Apart from a few old tyres, everything has been sold. It went beyond all expectations and generated 350K more than expected! "

Berry van den Berkmortel

"I knew lot number 16 had to be mine. This particular machine is not for sale anywhere else!"

"When Jan from Gebr. Van der Ven put his machines up for sale through Troostwijk, I knew immediately what I wanted to go for. I have known Jan for a long time and have also worked for him. This mobile crane was modified by Jan himself - fitted with a special digging arm - so that it is suitable for ditch and stream maintenance. You won't find these anywhere else! But I was not the only one interested. Others were also after it. I'm glad I won it. I often work for municipal and provincial authorities through contractors. With this mobile crane, I can mow and dredge perfectly! "

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