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The immersive at-home rowing machine

Explore 5,000+ low impact, full-body workouts that instantly transport you to the most beautiful places on Earth.

Hydrow Pro

Our original stunning design.

22" rotating screen.

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Hydrow Wave

Ideal for smaller spaces.

16" fixed screen.

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Hydrow Vista

The most immersive experience.

Rotating 27" curved screen.

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The Hydrow Difference

Travel the world from Japan to Rio
Travel the world from Japan to Rio
Works 86% of muscles in 20 minutes
Works 86% of muscles in 20 minutes
Workout with Olympians & champion athletes
Workout with Olympians & champion athletes
5,000+ workouts across rowing, strength, & more
5,000+ workouts across rowing, strength, & more

“The first home gym equipment I enjoy using and can’t wait to use daily! - Keith

“I love escaping it all for 15-20 minutes…It’s a great stress reducer and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in since I was a high school athlete.” - Mark

"I’ve worked out everyday and it has never felt like a chore. The instructors are wonderful and keep you motivated and inspired..."- Lacey

“The machine is solidly built, the guided exercise are entertaining and beautiful, and I’m rather impressed with how quiet the whole thing is.” - Samuel

“Great workout that is actually fun with all the program workout options.” - Doug

“After trying other rowers I can honestly say the craftsmanship and ease of use is leagues above the rest.” - Thomas

“It’s the first exercise I’ve done that feels cathartic…Thanks…for making my workouts fun and making the time fly by!” - Cheri

The real selling point for [Hydrow]…is the high quality video sessions… [Other workouts] feel like body homework. On the Hydrow, I finish a workout… and… I’m saying ‘you should have seen this beautiful castle in Prague!” - Chris

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Want full-body fitness? Row with Hydrow.

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Want full-body fitness? Row with Hydrow.

Low impact. Complete full-body fitness.

Cardio, strength, and recovery in one workout.
Motivation and coaching for all fitness levels.

Shop our rowers

Explore your world, without leaving home.

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5,000+ incredible workouts in places that inspire.

Yoga & Awareness
Strength & Movement
Circuit Training

Our Athletes are so much more than instructors.

Olympians and champion Athletes motivate you, delivering unparalleled workouts.

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"Hydrow is essentially the Beyoncé of at-home rowers."

"It's one of the most luxurious smart rowing machines you can buy."

"It could be the holy grail of home fitness."

"The most immersive experience you can have next to actually hopping into a boat."

"A one-stop, non-stop machine that does it all."

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